AskNebula subscription
Chatting with advisors
- How do chats work? How can I use my credits or minutes on AskNebula website?
- No responce / no asnwer from advisor or I not satisfied with low quality reading on Asknebula.
- How can I choose the right expert?
- How much does it cost to chat with an advisor on AskNebula?
- Where can I find my chat/answer on AskNebula?
- Where can I see my current balance on AskNebula?
AskNebula website functional questions
- How to log in / log out / re-log to AskNebula's website account?
- Where can I find the settings on AskNebula and change my personal info?
- How to reset AskNebula account's password?
- How can I delete my AskNebula account or how to remove my personal data?
- How to set up notifications about advisor's activity on AskNebula?
- How to change the website language?
AskNebula website issues
- My profile information on AskNebula website (Zodiac sign/Ascendant Sign/Natal Chart/etc) is wrong.
- Why am I getting an error message when logging into my AskNebula account?
- My credits on Asknebula were not credited to the balance after the transaction.
- I receive the error during purchasing the credits on AskNebula.
AskNebula billing
- Why I was charged for AskNebula service after 7 days?
- I have been charged on AskNebula before 7-days trial expired.
- AskNebula refund policies (Nebula web).
- I was charged automatically several times during chat on AskNebula website. What is the "Autorefill" system for?
- What payment methods are used to pay for AskNebula services?