What to do in my profile is wrong?
Accurate astrological insights depends on the correct representation of your zodiac and ascendant signs. If you find in wrong, follow this guide to address the issue:
Verify Your Profile Information:
- Access the "Personal information" section: Navigate to the "Profile" tab and select the "Settings gear" option.
- Ensure Accurate Details: Re-enter the following details, and ensure that they are correct:
- Date of Birth: The day, month, and year you were born.
- Place of Birth: The specific city and country of your birth.
- Time of Birth: The exact time you were born, down to the minute if possible.
Refreshing your profile can help. Change your information to something different, save it, and then revert it back to the correct details. This simple action can sometimes resolve display issues
Understand the Sign Transition:
Zodiac sign transitions can be intricate:
Sign Transition Isn't Always at Midnight: The exact moment the Sun switches signs can vary based on your location. Example: In 2019, the Sun transitioned to Virgo on August 23rd at 6:02 AM in New York. However, in Los Angeles, this transition occurred at 3:02 AM. In 2020, a leap year, the transition dates shifted.
These variations emphasize the importance of accurate birth details. By providing the exact time and location of your birth, you enable us to determine the Sun's position at that specific moment.
Still Facing Issues?
If the problem persists, please contact our support team using the "Submit a Request" feature. Provide a detailed description of the issue and include screenshots for clarity. Our team is dedicated to assisting you.