How to cancel or unsubscribe from AskNebula subscription? Below you can find a guide to all methods.
Article about cancelation in the settings in the Nebula mobile app
Cancelation inside the user's AskNebula account on the website
Cancelation through customer support (Help Center)
Cancelation through PayPal
Information about website subscription
Before we start, we kindly asking you to see the article about "what is AskNebula subscription?" to know all benefits before cancelation. Here is the article: What is AskNebula (Nebula website) subscription?
Article about cancelation in the settings in Nebula mobile app
Article from Nebula mobile app also leads to cancelation link on AskNebula site. Just click the "Settings" button at the top and then tap "How to Cancel Web Subscription" After you will be able to enter your email.
Cancelation functional inside user's AskNebula account on the website
- Log in to your personal account on the website after completing the quiz or using credentials from email. Subject of the email will be: "✨Welcome to Nebula community! Please verify your email ✨" Please see the example on the screenshot:
- On the main page, after log in, tap on "Profile" sign, then "Settings" and after that, go to "Customer Support" tab and find "Plans" section.
Tap on the "Arrow" sign near your subscription plan and after that tap "Cancel Plan" button.
Cancelation through our customer support
You can contact our support team on our Help Center or in the website.
How to contact on Help Center:
- On our Help Center website click on "Submit request" button, and you will be able to create ticket for support team. Here is a link:
- After, fill fields with your information and click the "Submit" button
- Wait for our support agent's answer
While contacting support, be sure to provide as much information as possible to help us to identify your account. Please provide us with the following information:
- The screenshot of your completed payment
- The last 4 digits of your card and BIN (first 6 digits of your card)
- Your country of residence
- Email used during the registration process.
How to contact through website:
- Log in to your AskNebula account and then go to your profile and push "Contact Us" button.
- There you can ask bot to cancel your subscription. If attempt was unsuccessful, you can go to our Help Center from here as well to contact support directly.
Cancelation through PayPal
Additionally, if you have purchased our service using PayPal, please see the guide on how to cancel your subscription:
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Click Settings near the top of the page.
- Click Payments.
- Click Manage pre-approved payments.
- Click Cancel or Cancel automatic billing and follow the instructions.
Also, please refer to the following article to know all about website: AskNebula tutorial